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No One Lives Alone

March 8, 2025 | Dan Low

More than I could ever imagine, I love volunteering at Torrance Memorial Medical Center on my day off! Serving together with like-minded, willing-hearted volunteers who have become friends, we are privileged to support the incredible work of all the professionals (medical and otherwise) who tirelessly and skillfully labor for our overall well-being.

Coupled with helping out on Monday afternoons, I serve as one of the hospital’s Caring Companions. During my initial training last August, I heard about the amazing NODA (No One Dies Alone) program. If someone is near the end of life, the patient (or loved one) can request support from Caring Companions who provide physical presence and comfort until the very end—to ensure that no one dies alone.

In his letter to the Galatian churches, the apostle Paul emphatically proclaims that no one lives alone. Having been crucified with Christ, it is no longer we who live, but Christ who lives in us (2:20). So the life that we now live in the flesh (in this lifetime) we live by faith in the Son of God who loved us and gave himself up for us. Through God’s matchless grace and by his empowering Spirit, we who were once dead have been made alive in Christ. God grants us the eternal and abundant life that we could never ever experience on our own. Since we are alive through Jesus, we now live for him. Rejoicing in Jesus’ sacrificial death and triumphant resurrection on our behalf, we resolve to honor him each and every day.

As we unite with Jesus, the Holy Spirit joins us together as God’s beloved children. With our unique blend of personalities, backgrounds, talents, interests, and experiences, we become brothers and sisters by virtue of our shared allegiance to Jesus. The bottom line: no one lives alone. In his supreme wisdom, God has aligned us to share life together. So whether we’re up on the highest mountain or down in the deepest valley or simply on the plain, let’s be present and available to each other.