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February 16, 2025

Start To Finish

Galatians 3:1-14

The Father blesses us with his promised Spirit through his crucified Son by our faith

by Dan Low

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February 23, 2025

by Sean McDowell

7 Reasons God Is Back In 2025

Spiritual Formation Conference

2025 Theme: Walk By The Spirit

Young parents enthusiastically cheer and celebrate their toddler’s first steps! When we learn to stand up and step out after an injury, surgery, or illness, we lean upon physical therapists encouraging and helping us to get back on our feet. If we stumble or slip or otherwise lose our footing, we gain a fresh appreciation for the simple art of walking well.

So it resonates within our own hearts when we hear Paul urging the Galatians and us to walk by the Spirit—to lean completely, comprehensively, and collectively upon the Spirit’s enabling presence (5:16). We who once walked in sinful practices with the world’s values are now set free by Jesus so that we might keep in step with the Spirit. The gospel of our Father’s marvelous grace that saves us by faith in his Son also sanctifies us for faithfulness through his Spirit.

Current Sermon Series: Keep In Step With The Spirit (January - May)

Current Sermon Series: Thrive By God's Spirit (May - July)

Current Sermon Series: Worship In The Spirit (July - September)

Current Sermon Series: A Dwelling Place For God's Spirit (September - December)

Current Sermon Series: The Spirit Of Christmas (December)

Current Sermon Series: Keep In Step With The Spirit (January - May)

Whether it's a family, a tour group, or a class of students, it's challenging to keep everyone together. We all have different walking paces. While some march ahead of the pack, others lag behind. Wherever we go, it's important for us to remain close to the leader if we want to get to the right place. As Paul writes the Galatian churches, we learn that some are in serious jeopardy for themselves and others as they chart their own path to a different gospel. The divinely-inspired solution: rather than marching ahead or lagging behind, keep in step with the Spirit. By sticking close to the Holy Spirit, we uphold the gospel of God's grace and display the evidence of Jesus' victory.

To truly seek God’s kingdom on earth, we must consistently set our minds on heaven. That’s precisely where Paul directs our attention: having been raised with Christ, we ought to elevate our perspective to God’s right hand—where Jesus is seated (Colossians 3:1-2). Ironically and providentially, the more preoccupied we are with God’s heavenly priorities, the more impactful we become in our earthly pursuits. Writing from the inside of a prison, Paul envisions this glorious freedom of our new life in Christ.

Select the Kingdom Mindset tab below to watch the sermons in this series.

Jesus loves telling stories that are down to earth. A neighbor lovingly cares for a total stranger in dire need. A father waits patiently for his wayward son to return home. A just-terminated employee devises a brilliant plan that prepares for his future. Invited guests miss the best banquet ever with lame excuses. Through these intriguing and often surprising stories, Jesus masterfully and memorably presents kingdom snapshots (parables) that inspire us to manage our daily responsibilities through the lens of God's eternal priorities.

Select the Kingdom Snapshots tab below to watch the sermons in this series.

While we underline the relational aspect of our knowing God personally, following Jesus wholeheartedly, and embracing the Spirit daily, it does not diminish the presence of rules that express heaven's standards. In a word, God expects obedience to his commands. The Ten Commandments that Moses originally delivered to the nation in the wake of God's supreme act of mercy still affirm the benchmarks of what we must do as a redeemed community.

Select the Kingdom Rules tab below to watch the sermons in this series.

While we underline the relational aspect of our knowing God personally, following Jesus wholeheartedly, and embracing the Spirit daily, it does not diminish the presence of rules that express heaven's standards. In a word, God expects obedience to his commands. The Ten Commandments that Moses originally delivered to the nation in the wake of God's supreme act of mercy still affirm the benchmarks of what we must do as a redeemed community.

Select the Kingdom Rules tab below to watch the sermons in this series.

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