Caring Ministries

We are here for you!

We know that everybody encounters unique and personal needs that require a helping hand, listening ear, or word of encouragement to get through a difficult situation. We have caring ministries which provide avenues for us to serve one another as well as our community by sharing the love of Christ.

Please Contact Us for more information.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Formed in November of 2006 after much prayer, our member, Marilyn Long was inspired to start the Prayer Shawl Ministry at Bread of Life Church. Prayer shawls and/or blankets are given because many of our members, as well as nonmembers, are in need of the Lord’s comfort, care, encouragement, healing, and hope. The group meets quarterly, 4 times a year, and the members knit or crochet year round.
Contact Marilyn

Mobile Medical Clinic

Once per year, Bread of Life Church partners with Medical Mission Adventures to host a fully operational health clinic to provide free medical, dental, optical, and pharmacy services to the underserved in our community. This is an opportunity for us to open our church to serve and pray for those in need.
Medical Mission Adventures ►

Christian Legal Aid

Partnering with Christian Legal Aid of Los Angeles whose commitment is to share the love of Jesus by cultivating a passion for justice as well as providing free legal services for those in need.

Our church periodically hosts a legal aid clinic that serves and loves our neighbors in life-changing ways.
Contact Julie

Senior Ministry

Pray and support our outreach programs to the elderly in our community.

• BOL Senior Center: Tuesdays @ 9pm-1pm in room 116

• Rainbow Bible Study: Thursdays @ 4pm-5pm in the Vista Lee Rose Senior Apartment

• Sunrise Senior Living Visitation: First Sunday of every month @ 2pm
Contact Pastor Dan

Matthew 25

Homeless Ministry
Our goal is to share God's love and hope with people displaced in our community by collaborating with local Christian homeless shelters, such as Beacon Light Mission (men), Doors of Hope (women), and Community's Child (women with children).

We serve at Beacon Light Mission & Doors of Hope on the 1st Sunday & 2nd Saturday evenings of each month. We also serve at Community's Child on an as-needed basis.

Christian Legal Aid

Partnering with Christian Legal Aid of Los Angeles whose commitment is to share the love of Jesus by cultivating a passion for justice as well as providing free legal services for those in need.

Our church periodically hosts a legal aid clinic that serves and loves our neighbors in life-changing ways.

Prayer & Healing Ministry

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