此次行程將涵蓋德國 3 個城市的中國留學生。
來自多個教會的基督徒同工聯合起來,通過醫療、牙科、婦女和青少年事工為當地窮人和弱勢群體服事。San Telmo 是位於Baja California的一個鄉村農耕社區,這裡的許多人正遭受人口增加、貧困、暴力和破碎的家庭之苦。
台灣短宣在過去15年裡,因著 神的信實,我們將福音傳給了超過3,000名的台灣兒童。近來,台灣政府以及學校更是歡迎英語教師。
These mission trips have faithfully spread the gospel in Taiwan to more than 3000 children in the past 15 years. Lately, the Taiwan government and schools have been welcoming English teachers.
This annual trip will begin in northern Thailand for youth ministry training before serving at elementary schools and churches. The second leg of the trip will be in Laos, where the team will divide into groups to go to northern and central areas.
來自多個教會的基督徒同工聯合起來,通過醫療、牙科、婦女和青少年事工為當地窮人和弱勢群體服事。San Telmo 是位於Baja California的一個鄉村農耕社區,這裡的許多人正遭受人口增加、貧困、暴力和破碎的家庭之苦。
Sponsored by the Ling Liang World-Wide Evangelistic Mission Association, the Indonesia team is comprised of members from Los Angeles, Toronto, and Hong Kong, and serves churches in Karawang, Trimukti, and Jakarta.
Bible summer camp for underprivileged children