Our Mission
We strive to develop the whole child using age-appropriate curriculum delivered in a nurturing, safe, Christ-centered environment.
Bread of Life Church Kindergarten welcomes children of all races, nationalities and religion. Children must turn five years old by September 1 to enroll in our Kindergarten class.
A nurturing , safe , Christ-centered environment.
The school hours are Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 2:00pm
During the regular school year, we provide after-school care service for children from 5 to 12 years old regardless of race and religion. The center opens from 1:30 PM to 6:00 PM during regular school days.
8:30 AM – 8:45 AM
8:45 AM – 9:15 AM
9:15 AM – 10:30 AM
10:30 AM – 10:50 AM
10:50 AM – 11:30 AM
11:30 AM – 12:00 PM
12:00 PM – 12:45 PM
12:45 PM – 1:00 PM
1:00 PM – 1:50 PM
1:50 PM – 2:00 PM
2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Arrive / Unpack
Morning Circle
Language Arts
Snack / Recess
Music / Physical Education
Lunch / Recess
Rest / Storytime
Social Science / Health / Art
Pack-up / Dismissal
Extended Care
8:30 AM – 8:45 AM
8:45 AM – 9:15 AM
9:15 AM – 10:30 AM
10:30 AM – 10:50 AM
10:50 AM – 11:30 AM
11:30 AM – 12:00 PM
12:00 PM – 12:45 PM
12:45 PM – 1:00 PM
1:00 PM – 1:50 PM
1:50 PM – 2:00 PM
Arrive / Unpack
Morning Circle
Language Arts
Snack / Recess
Music / Physical Education
Lunch / Recess
Rest / Storytime
Social Studies / Science / Art / Cooking
Pack-up / Dismissal
Chapel Time
There will be chapel time once a week on Thursdays. We will be sharing Bible stories and singing praise to the Lord with the children.
Language Arts
The first day of the school year is September 1st.
We are closed on the following holidays:
For a complete list of important dates, click the Kindergarten Calendar button:
BOLCCC State License #197410454, #197408593