Spread Life
August 5, 2020 | Dan Low Stay at least six feet apart. Wear a facial covering. Wash our hands frequently with soap and warm water. Avoid large gatherings. These are…
August 5, 2020 | Dan Low Stay at least six feet apart. Wear a facial covering. Wash our hands frequently with soap and warm water. Avoid large gatherings. These are…
August 1, 2020 | Alex Yeun Recordings for this three-part mission series featuring David & Alice Ho will be released soon after each zoom session. It is our hope that…
July 23, 2020 | Alex Yeun A special three-part mission series, featuring David & Alice Ho, will be hosted by the Mission Executive Committee starting on August 1. David &…
June 30, 2020 | Alex Yeun Starting on Sunday, July 12, we will begin observing the Lord's supper during our worship services, and we encourage baptized believers to participate in…
June 29, 2020 | Dan Low We take tremendous pride in our freedom as Americans. What we celebrate on the 4th of July is what we easily take for granted,…
June 26, 2020 | Dan Low Dear Bread of Life Family, In view of the most recent developments regarding COVID-19, we have decided to delay the reopening of our church…
服事在 San Telmo 基督學校 以及移民農場社區 外展時間 – 6月19日下午 2時 至 6 月21日晚上 9 時 一個小組的人員將提供醫療服務,並且我們將與學生﹑教職員工和父母一起慶祝在學校的畢業禮。 我們將向學生分發衛生用品包,並向社區分發放食物和衣服。 我們還將提供醫療和牙科服事。 您的捐助: 財務捐贈用以支持學校持續的費用和外展行程費用。 請在支票的備註欄註明 “San Telmo 事工” 或通過教會的應用程式App或教會的網站捐贈。 衣服捐贈。請在指定的日期 (6月13,14日) 將捐贈衣物置放於教會南側大門外的捐贈桶內。
June 12, 2020 | Dan Low Dear Brothers and Sisters, We are so looking forward to seeing you very soon as we restart our worship services starting on Sunday, July…
June 8, 2020 | Dan Low As I sit down to write this note on the formative role of dads, it’s with the complicated backdrop of a global pandemic that’s…
May 29, 2020 | Dan Low Dear Brothers and Sisters, We praise God that we will reopen our church campus starting on Sunday, July 5, 2020! Prior to reopening, we…