21 Days of Prayer and Fasting for our Nation
January 14, 2021 | Dan Low As we approach the presidential inauguration, we recognize our need for the movement of the Holy Spirit is great. As a church family, we…
January 14, 2021 | Dan Low As we approach the presidential inauguration, we recognize our need for the movement of the Holy Spirit is great. As a church family, we…
January 14, 2021 | Dan Low EVENT: January 29-31, 2021 Dr. Jeff Iorg will join us for 4 sessions and speak on the theme, Shadow Christians: Making an Impact When…
January 13, 2021 | Marilyn Ting Community's Child is experiencing a shortage of supplies for their food pantry. We are collecting food donations to help. Please bring all donations to…
January 4, 2021 | Dan Low One thing that has been in tremendously short supply with a huge worldwide demand: HOPE. Ever since the middle of last March, we have…
2020年 12月 10日 | 蔡慧恩傳道 邀請您 (們) 來加入在我們教會東側停車場的聖誕得來速 (Drive-Thru) 燈展活動。您 (們) 將體驗這個由教會的團契/小組所製作的燈展,提升您 (們) 對基督新生王的敬拜。我們將有一個嚴格的要求,在您(們) 來觀賞燈展活動時,請勿離開您的座車。 燈展開放時間:12月 19-20日 & 25- 27日,5個晚間6:00-9:00 我們將有小禮品袋送給來參加的燈展活動的小朋友,先到先得,送完為止!
December 10, 2020 | Faith Tsai Join our Christmas Lights Drive-Thru in our church parking lot! You'll experience the displays and lights made by our church fellowship groups to lift…
December 4, 2020 | Dan Low In the very first chapter of the New Testament, God finally delivers a fresh word from heaven after 400 years of silence! That very…
November 11, 2020 | Eric Louie The Church Board of Elders and Deacons would like to thank everyone who participated in this year's church membership vote. All of the nominated…
November 10, 2020 | Dan Low In the midst of their most agonizing moments, ancient Israel discovers a truth that we must always remember: Our faithful God never forgets his…
October 22, 2020 | Alex Yeun By taking our prayers to the very places where we desire to see God's presence manifested, we engage ourselves in the God's work there.…