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December 31, 2023

Want Nothing? Have Everything!

We lack nothing because the Lord supplies everything

Psalm 23:1-6

by Dan Low

Upcoming Sermon

December 31, 2023

by Dan Low

Want Nothing? Have Everything!

Psalm 23

Current Sermon Series

Acts: Faithful To The End

Stepping into uncharted territory and crossing through multiple boundaries, Jesus' original disciples tenaciously testified to the reality of his resurrection. They were fearless and unstoppable. With the same Holy Spirit emboldening us as witnesses to our crucified, risen, and exalted Lord, God calls us to be faithful to the end—faithful to the end of the earth, faithful to the end of our lifetime. As we experience and proclaim the liberating truth of Jesus being alive from the dead, God continues adding chapters to the Spirit-empowered story that Luke chronicled for us in the book of Acts.

This series runs through 2023.

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