September 25, 2020 | Wing Lew
Thank you for participating in our 2020 Membership Meeting. In accordance with all the changes to our church ministries, we have implemented a new way to conduct this year’s membership meeting and voting. It’s our hope that this process allows for clear and safe communication between our church leadership and our entire faith community. It’s important that everyone is aware of our timeline and the necessary deadlines:
August 23–September 20: Open Registration
‧ Members register online and select to receive their information and ballot electronically or via postal mail
September 21–23: Validation and Processing
‧ A small ballot team checks all registrants for church membership
‧ One assigned board member assigns a random PIN to each validated church member
September 24–October 13: Ballot Finalization
‧ The ballot team verifies all the collected information for the nominees and church budget and prepares the online and paper ballots
‧ The church board approves the 2021 budget on October 11
October 13–17: Voter Notification
‧ The ballot team contacts all voting members to provide their PIN and voting instructions
October 18–November 5: Open Voting
‧ Members are given 3 weeks to submit their vote through online or mail-in ballots
‧ The ballot team hosts Q&A sessions on October 25, 2:00-3:00 pm
▸ The CANTONESE Q&A zoom meeting
▸ The ENGLISH Q&A zoom meeting
▸ The MANDARIN Q&A zoom meeting
November 6–7: Counting The Vote
‧ The ballot team counts all votes and presents the results to the Board on November 8