DivorceCare is our support group for people who are experiencing separation and/or divorce.

We care and understand your situation because we had experienced similar situations. Our goals are to support you and to bring hope to you during this difficult time in your life. If you are experiencing separation or are divorced, we welcome you. With biblically-based video resources and supportive small groups, our hope and prayer are that we will experience God’s gracious healing.

Please send us an EMAIL and tell us your name, phone number, email address, and your message. (We respect your privacy!)

We will send you a “Welcome to DivorceCare” email and answer your questions the best we can.

Where We Meet

Instructions are sent to all participants prior to each meeting

Who To Contact

  • Katherine Wong
  • Cindy Kwok

When We Meet

We meet every second and fourth Saturday from 10:00 AM until noon all year round (except on Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas).

There are 13 sessions in a cycle, plus a session entitled, “Surviving the Holidays.” We welcome you to join our support group at any session in the cycle.

Please let us know prior to your coming so that we will be ready to welcome you.

The $22 registration fee includes a workbook and enables you to attend support group until you experience God’s healing. If you need the workbook mailed to you, there is an additional $5 postage fee.

In this process, you may develop a deepening relationship with God and make new friends!

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